Such a small world in the Marine Corps...turns out I lived on the same street as the Merino's back in North Carolina, now we're here in Yuma out taking pictures together. This was such a fun shoot for me - like taking pictures of models!! I just love the shot of Dad with his three girls when I asked them to give him a kiss on the cheek...such a real moment. Thanks for the fun time!
The Mathios family ended up with a rather windy Yuma day for their shoot, but we came away with some amazing shots of the kiddos! They are absolutely precious children - sparkling eyes, contagious smiles and fun to photograph ;)
So, in the next two weeks I have a lot of family and/or children's portrait sessions scheduled! I'm going to do my best to keep up with the blog though...The Goodwin family chose to have their portraits at the Moody Demonstration Garden. Who knew Yuma had a garden?! It was a great location, with lots of different looks. Their little girl is absolutely adorable and fun to try and keep up with...
This is what she did when she says "cheese". Cute ;)
It's always so much fun to take pictures of close friends, but nerve racking at the same time! I've known the Wilson's for close to 6 years now - so I was very happy when they asked me to take their family photos. The scarey part of it is - will they still like me when it's over?! I'm pleased to say that they love their pictures and we are still friends!! Thanks for the fun evening guys and next time I'll try to avoid sprinklers :)
What a breath of fresh air - new scenery for pictures. Some of you will remember this gorgeous family from my website last year...
Well, they recently relocated to California and asked me to take some pictures for them at the beach. Let's just say they didn't have to ask twice ;)